Tuesday, September 14, 2010

American photography:A Century of Images Notes

Photography had started in the 1890's or early 1900's. The first camera had been the box camera, which came out in 1900.

Part I:

        Before photography had started, there were drawings of family instead of photo's. When photography started it became part of everyone's life, it made memories for those of the past. Later on there was not only pictures of people but also of desired objects. These desired objects had a sense of fantasy to them even though they were real.
                                                                           Part II:
       Most of photography had been part magazines which show people of america what kind of things had happened in world. World War I was an example of how people had gone through the war. Many of the war photos showed horrible images of injured or dead people. Of course these pictures were hard to look at because of the kinds of things that happened.

     Ever since photography became part of everyday life it became more advanced. Photography had been developed into digital photography by using computers to enhanced photos.

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